> Funeral Poems > When I Am Gone

When I Am Gone

Author: Lyman Hancock
This Page Includes: Full Verses of the Poem in Text. A Recording of the Poem (Audio). A Free PDF Download for reading purposes. Free Editable Google Doc Download if you wish to make changes or to personalise the poem. The page also includes what the poem is about, structure of poem and explaining the best parts.

When I Am Gone Poem Verses

When I come to the end of my journey,
And I travel my last weary mile.
Just forget if you can, that I ever frowned
And remember only my smile.
Forget unkind words I have spoken:
Remember some good I have done.
Forget that I ever had heartache
And remember I've had loads of fun.
Forget that I've stumbled and blundered
And sometimes fell by the way.
Remember I have fought some hard battles
And won, ere the close of the day.
Then forget to grieve for my going,
I would not have you for a day,
But in summer just gather some flowers
And remember the place where I lay.
And come in the shade of the evening
When the sun paints the sky in the west
Stand for a few moments beside me
And remember only my best.

Audio Recording

Please note the audio recording may not exactly match the text version as 'When I Am Gone' can be tailored/personalised

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Please note the audio recording may not exactly match the text version as 'When I Am Gone' can be tailored/personalised

Personalised Poem

Would you like to customise this poem? You have the option to personalise it by accessing the provided link, which will direct you to Google Docs. From there, you can download the poem ‘Memories’ to your personal Google Docs account or Microsoft Word where you will be able to edit the poem however you want.

About the poem

The poem is about the speaker's end of life and how they want to be remembered. They want their loved ones to forget any negative experiences they may have had with them and only remember the good times and positive aspects of their life. They encourage their loved ones to remember the happy moments, their accomplishments, and to celebrate their life instead of grieving over their death.

The Structure of Poem

The poem has a simple and straightforward structure, with each stanza consisting of four lines. It begins with the speaker's contemplation of the end of their journey, and they request that their loved ones remember only the positive aspects of their life. The poem encourages the reader to forget any unkind words spoken, but to remember the good that was done. It goes on to suggest that one should not grieve for the speaker's going, but instead gather some flowers and remember the place where they lay. The poem ends with a request for the reader to stand beside the speaker in the evening shade and remember only their best.

Best Quote from When I Am Gone Poem

This is a quote from the poem When I Am Gone by Lyman Hancock
"When I come to the end of my journey, And I travel my last weary mile. Just forget if you can, that I ever frowned And remember only my smile."
This quote expresses the desire to be remembered positively by loved ones after passing away. It encourages them to focus on the happy moments and good deeds of the deceased, instead of dwelling on their mistakes or shortcomings. It's a comforting reminder that a person's legacy can be defined by their best qualities and actions.

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