> Funeral Poems > Tender Wings of Love
Tender Wings of Love
This Page Includes: Full Verses of the Poem in Text. A Recording of the Poem (Audio). A Free PDF Download for reading purposes. Free Editable Google Doc Download if you wish to make changes or to personalise the poem. The page also includes what the poem is about, structure of poem and explaining the best parts.

Tender Wings of Love Poem Verses
Tender wings of love now soar,
Through skies of blue and clouds that pour,
A child so dear, forever near,
In our hearts, their laughter we'll hear.
We miss the innocence, the joy they'd bring,
The laughter of a child, that made our hearts sing,
In the hush of the night, the dawn's embrace,
We'll yearn for their touch, their sweet, smiling face.
Though they've flown away, on wings of light,
Their love remains, in our hearts so bright,
Tender wings of love, forever missed,
In memories and dreams, their spirit kissed.
Through skies of blue and clouds that pour,
A child so dear, forever near,
In our hearts, their laughter we'll hear.
We miss the innocence, the joy they'd bring,
The laughter of a child, that made our hearts sing,
In the hush of the night, the dawn's embrace,
We'll yearn for their touch, their sweet, smiling face.
Though they've flown away, on wings of light,
Their love remains, in our hearts so bright,
Tender wings of love, forever missed,
In memories and dreams, their spirit kissed.
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About the poem
This poem is a heartfelt tribute to a beloved child who has passed away. It portrays the deep sense of longing and loss felt by those left behind, reminiscing the joy and innocence that the child brought into their lives. It uses the metaphor of the child's laughter still echoing in their hearts and the imagery of tender wings of love to symbolize the child's enduring presence.
The Structure of Poem
This poem is a tribute to a beloved child who has passed away. The structure consists of four quatrains, with an ABAB rhyme scheme. The poem uses vivid imagery to describe the child's spirit taking flight on "tender wings of love," with references to the sky and clouds. The speaker expresses their love and longing for the child, highlighting the joy and innocence they brought to their lives. The poem ultimately celebrates the child's memory, acknowledging that although they may be gone, their spirit and love continue to live on.
Best Quote from Tender Wings of Love Poem
This is a quote from the poem Tender Wings of Love
"Though they've flown away, on wings of light, Their love remains, in our hearts so bright, Tender wings of love, forever missed, In memories and dreams, their spirit kissed."
This quote encapsulates the main theme of the poem, which is the enduring love and memory of a child who has passed away. The imagery of the child flying away on "wings of light" is a comforting representation of their transition, while the phrase "their love remains, in our hearts so bright" offers solace in the face of grief. This quote can provide comfort and a sense of peace to those grieving, reminding them that the child's spirit and love continue to live on in their memories and dreams.
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