> Funeral Poems > My Journey's Just Begun
My Journey's Just Begun
Author: Ellen Brenneman
This Page Includes: Full Verses of the Poem in Text. A Recording of the Poem (Audio). A Free PDF Download for reading purposes. Free Editable Google Doc Download if you wish to make changes or to personalise the poem. The page also includes what the poem is about, structure of poem and explaining the best parts.

My Journey's Just Begun Poem Verses
Don't think of me as gone away
My journey's just begun
Life holds so many facets
This earth is but one
Just think of me as resting
From the sorrows and the tears
In a place of warmth and comfort
Where there are no days and years
Think of how I must be wishing
That you could know today
How nothing but your sadness
Can really go away
And think of me as living
In the hearts of those I touched
For nothing loved is ever lost
And I know I was loved so much
My journey's just begun
Life holds so many facets
This earth is but one
Just think of me as resting
From the sorrows and the tears
In a place of warmth and comfort
Where there are no days and years
Think of how I must be wishing
That you could know today
How nothing but your sadness
Can really go away
And think of me as living
In the hearts of those I touched
For nothing loved is ever lost
And I know I was loved so much
Audio Recording
Please note the audio recording may not exactly match the text version as 'My Journey's Just Begun' can be tailored/personalised
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Please note the audio recording may not exactly match the text version as 'My Journey's Just Begun' can be tailored/personalised
Personalised Poem
Would you like to customise this poem? You have the option to personalise it by accessing the provided link, which will direct you to Google Docs. From there, you can download the poem ‘Memories’ to your personal Google Docs account or Microsoft Word where you will be able to edit the poem however you want.
About the poem
This Poem is also known as the following: "Gone, but not forgotten".
The poem is about a person who has passed away and is addressing their loved ones who are grieving. The speaker is asking their loved ones not to think of them as gone forever, but to remember that their journey has just begun in a different realm. The speaker emphasizes that life holds many different facets and the earth is just one of them. They reassure their loved ones that they are resting in a place of warmth and comfort, free from sorrows and tears. The speaker expresses their wish for their loved ones to find comfort and let go of sadness. They urge their loved ones to remember them as living in their hearts, as nothing loved is ever truly lost.
The Structure of Poem
The poem consists of four stanzas with a consistent rhyme scheme of ABCCB. The first two stanzas express that the speaker's journey has just begun, and life has many facets beyond this earth. The third stanza invites the reader to imagine the speaker resting in a place of warmth and comfort, free from sorrows and tears. In the final stanza, the speaker encourages the reader to think of them as living on in the hearts of those they touched and reminds them that nothing loved is ever lost.
Best Quote from My Journey's Just Begun Poem
This is a quote from the poem My Journey's Just Begun by Ellen Brenneman
"And think of me as living
In the hearts of those I touched
For nothing loved is ever lost
And I know I was loved so much."
This quote offers a beautiful perspective on the enduring power of love and how it can keep the memory of a loved one alive. It encourages us to hold onto the positive memories and the love we shared with the person who has passed away, and to find comfort in the belief that their spirit lives on in our hearts. The words are poetic and evoke a sense of warmth and reassurance, making this quote a fitting tribute to a loved one who has left an indelible mark on our lives.
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