> Funeral Poems > Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned
This Page Includes: Full Verses of the Poem in Text. A Recording of the Poem (Audio). A Free PDF Download for reading purposes. Free Editable Google Doc Download if you wish to make changes or to personalise the poem. The page also includes what the poem is about, structure of poem and explaining the best parts.

Lessons Learned Poem Verses
A challenging soul, a love hard-won,
Through storm and strife, their love begun,
I appreciate the lessons learned,
The fire that forged, the love we earned.
Through trying times, their love prevailed,
A beacon through life's roughest gales,
Their presence, a force that shaped my heart,
My dear one, a love that won't depart.
Though they're gone, their memory stays,
A testament to love in every way,
My dear one, I'll hold so close,
A grateful heart, a love that grows.
Through storm and strife, their love begun,
I appreciate the lessons learned,
The fire that forged, the love we earned.
Through trying times, their love prevailed,
A beacon through life's roughest gales,
Their presence, a force that shaped my heart,
My dear one, a love that won't depart.
Though they're gone, their memory stays,
A testament to love in every way,
My dear one, I'll hold so close,
A grateful heart, a love that grows.
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About the poem
This poem speaks about a deeply cherished relationship that the speaker had with a loved one, one that was forged through difficulties and challenges. It celebrates the growth, wisdom, and strength that emerged from these trials, and the enduring presence of the loved one in the speaker's memory, even after their departure.
The Structure of Poem
The poem consists of four quatrains with a consistent rhyme scheme of ABAB. Each line is of similar length, creating a sense of balance and stability in the poem's structure. The language is straightforward and accessible, with a focus on conveying gratitude for a challenging but meaningful love. The poet also emphasizes the lasting impact of the loved one's presence, even in their absence, and the continued growth of love in their memory.
Best Quote from Lessons Learned Poem
This is a quote from the poem Lessons Learned
"Though they're gone, their memory stays, A testament to love in every way,"
This line encapsulates the enduring impact of the loved one on the speaker's life. It acknowledges the pain of their absence, yet also emphasizes how their memory continues to influence and inspire. This can serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love, even after death, and can be quoted to offer solace during a difficult time.
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