> Funeral Poems > Footprints Poem Funeral
Footprints Poem Funeral
This Page Includes: Full Verses of the Poem in Text. A Recording of the Poem (Audio). A Free PDF Download for reading purposes. Free Editable Google Doc Download if you wish to make changes or to personalise the poem. The page also includes what the poem is about, structure of poem and explaining the best parts.

Footprints Poem Funeral Poem Verses
One night I dreamed I was walking
Along the beach with the Lord,
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints.
Other times there was only one.
This bothered me because I noticed
During the low periods of my life when I was
Suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord, “You promised me,
Lord, that if I followed you,
You would walk with me always.
But I noticed during the most trying periods
Of my life there has only been
One set of prints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
Have you not been there for me?
The Lord replied,
“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints
It was then that I carried you.”
Along the beach with the Lord,
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints.
Other times there was only one.
This bothered me because I noticed
During the low periods of my life when I was
Suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord, “You promised me,
Lord, that if I followed you,
You would walk with me always.
But I noticed during the most trying periods
Of my life there has only been
One set of prints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
Have you not been there for me?
The Lord replied,
“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints
It was then that I carried you.”
Audio Recording
Please note the audio recording may not exactly match the text version as 'Footprints Poem Funeral' can be tailored/personalised
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Please note the audio recording may not exactly match the text version as 'Footprints Poem Funeral' can be tailored/personalised
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Would you like to customise this poem? You have the option to personalise it by accessing the provided link, which will direct you to Google Docs. From there, you can download the poem ‘Memories’ to your personal Google Docs account or Microsoft Word where you will be able to edit the poem however you want.
About the poem
The poem is about a person walking on the beach with the Lord and noticing two sets of footprints at times and only one set at other times. The person becomes confused and upset during the difficult times when they see only one set of footprints, thinking that the Lord has abandoned them. But the Lord explains that during those times, he was carrying the person, and that he will always be there for them. The poem is about faith and trust in a higher power during difficult times.
The Structure of Poem
The poem is structured as a narrative, with the speaker recounting a dream they had to the reader. The poem consists of four stanzas, each consisting of varying line lengths. The poem employs simple and straightforward language, using a conversational tone to convey a sense of intimacy and vulnerability. The poem follows an ABAB rhyme scheme, with each set of rhyming lines contributing to the overall rhythm and flow of the piece. The poem explores themes of faith, resilience, and the enduring presence of a higher power in the face of hardship and struggle. The structure of the poem is loose and informal, with the stanzas building upon one another to create a sense of emotional momentum and depth.
Best Quote from Footprints Poem Funeral Poem
This is a quote from the poem Footprints Poem Funeral
"The times when you have seen only one set of footprints
It was then that I carried you."
This quote is the most well-known and poignant part of the poem, and it is often used to comfort and uplift people who are going through difficult times. It suggests that even when we feel alone and abandoned, there is a higher power that is watching over us and supporting us. The image of being carried in times of struggle is a powerful one, evoking a sense of safety and protection. The quote reminds us that we are never truly alone, and that there is always hope and support available to us, even in our darkest moments.
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